Smart Home Planning

Smart Home Planning,
What Is A Smart Home?

What Do We Mean By ‘Smart’?

What is the definition of “smart”? The concept of a smart home is becoming increasingly popular, and it often carries different meanings for different people. So, let’s begin by examining the perspective of authorities. According to the Malaysian Department of Trade & Industry, a smart home is defined as “a residence that integrates a communication network connecting essential electrical appliances and services, enabling remote control, monitoring, or access.”

At first glance, this definition may seem concise, but it doesn’t truly capture the essence of what home automation aims to achieve: the creation of an environment that improves and streamlines everyday living.

Improve Daily living with Smart Home Automation

Living Smart

We hold the belief that a genuinely intelligent home comprehends and responds to your daily routines and behaviors. It accomplishes this by automating tasks that you would typically handle manually, such as verifying that all the windows are closed before you leave.

In essence, your home adapts to your way of life, rather than you having to conform to it. This can encompass a range of possibilities, from automated blinds that gently wake you in the morning to an “all-off” feature that ensures everything is powered down at night.

Fact vs Fiction

For many years, the idea of home automation was primarily associated with the wealthy, but this perception is rapidly changing. The available solutions in the past were often expensive, had limitations, and were difficult to modify once installed – not exactly the vision of a “home of the future.”

The emergence of smaller, standalone solutions and “gadgets” that enable control of various home aspects through smartphones and tablets has attracted the interest of a broader consumer audience. This shift has made home automation an affordable reality for more people than ever before.

But how can you achieve comprehensive home integration with user-friendly remote control that is both cost-effective and prepared for the future? This is where the Miniserver comes into play!

How can Home Automation work for me?

Home automation offers you the flexibility to tailor it to your specific needs, allowing you to automate as much or as little as you desire.

So, what defines a smart home? Here are a few instances of everyday situations where home automation can significantly improve your living experience:

  • Weekend Getaway: Before you leave for the weekend, a simple swipe on your phone can verify that all windows and doors are securely closed and locked, and the heating is turned off.
  • Efficient Heating: Each room is automatically heated to its ideal temperature, eliminating wasted heat in unused areas.
  • Secure Departure: By the front door, you can activate a “going out” switch, which sets the burglar alarm and switches off all lights as you leave the house.
  • Garage Reminder: If you happen to forget to close the garage door after returning home, you’ll receive a text or phone call reminding you to do so as darkness falls.
  • Nighttime Convenience: If you need to use the bathroom during the night, the house will sense the time and activate motion-activated lights at a dim level to prevent dazzling you.
  • Homecoming Comfort: Upon your return from the weekend getaway, you can remotely turn on the heating and look forward to a hot shower when you get back.


In Malaysia, the most frequently automated elements of homes are typically lighting and heating, largely motivated by the rising expenses associated with gas and electricity. People also commonly opt for features like control over colored lighting, multi-room audio streaming, automation for home cinema setups, and the integration of intercom systems.

Why not draw inspiration from real-life smart homes to explore these possibilities?

My house is old- can it be smart too?

Absolutely! Any home has the potential to transform into a smart home. If the thought of rewiring your house doesn’t appeal to you, we have a solution: Loxone Air. Retrofitting home automation is gaining popularity as a viable option. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog, where we’ll delve into the choices you have for wireless home automation.

My house is old- can it be smart too?

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