Security Wih Loxone Lighting

The Security Features of Loxone: Smart Lighting for a Safer Home

As many know, lighting is crucial for our well-being in our daily lives. With intelligent automation control, this lighting can be optimized to maximize your benefit. But the advantages of automated lighting don’t stop there. It can also significantly enhance security, playing a vital role in people’s and buildings’ safety.

With Loxone, enjoy enhanced protection through intelligent lighting.

Presence Simulation | Grapes Smart Tech

Presence Simulation

The lights can autonomously switch on and off in a regular pattern to mimic human presence when the building is empty, such as when you’re away on vacation or not at work for the weekend. As a result, would-be intruders will think twice before targeting your building.

Alarm | Grapes Smart Tech


The lights can autonomously switch on and off in a regular pattern to mimic human presence when the building is empty, such as when you’re away on vacation or not at work for the weekend. As a result, would-be intruders will think twice before targeting your building.

Event Response | Grapes Smart Tech

Event Response

In an emergency, such as smoke or a water leak, the building’s lights can serve as an early warning system, allowing those in charge to respond swiftly and mitigate the situation.

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