New Loxone Config & App 15.1

New: Loxone Config and App 15.1

Sun, summer, and stuffy rooms? Not with Loxone! We’ve been working very hard on smart room cooling. What was the outcome? A revolutionary development in intelligent climate control! Version 15.1 of the Loxone Config & App is now free, as usual, and includes this and many other advancements.

Discover the most recent update in our Config Deep Dive for version 15.1.

Perfect indoor climate thanks to
artificial real intelligence

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is pervasive. However, Loxone’s climate control system has long included real intelligence. Our Miniserver processes weather reports, room climate sensors, and other data sources. Using this data, its expanding experience, and intricate computations, it makes judgments that guarantee the ideal indoor atmosphere. The Miniserver continuously learns and improves these procedures, and all data is safely stored inside your structure.

01 | Grapes Smart Tech

AC Unit Controller:

Maximize Comfort and Energy Efficiency

Building automation can now quickly and easily incorporate air conditioning systems thanks to AC Control Air, which has been available since last year. Version 15.1 changes the name of the AC Control Function Block to AC Unit Controller. Numerous innovations are also included to significantly increase the comfort and energy efficiency of air conditioning systems.

Smart air conditioning in under 3 minutes

This is the AC Control Air

AC Control Air | Grapes Smart Tech
  • In less than three minutes, invisible plug-and-play installation within the air conditioning system is completed.
  • Even when operating the air conditioner from a distance, it is easy to use and straightforward.
  • Heating and cooling as needed
  • Cost-effective heating and cooling are made possible by the Spot Price Optimizer and/or PV integration
  • Responsive with a wide range of popular manufacturers, including Daikin, Fujitsu, Sinclair, Toshiba, Gree, Mitsubishi Electric, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

The connection of the AC Unit Controller and Intelligent Room Controller – for more comfort and energy efficiency

The intelligent room control can now be linked to the air conditioning system. Therefore, it is a crucial component of an automated HVAC system.

AC Control | Grapes Smart Tech

Quiet comfort and effective protection against overheating

Eco Modus and Comfort Modus

Eco Mode

Eco Mode:
When the air conditioner is in Eco mode, it uses the least amount of electricity and keeps the room from getting too hot. When the set hysteresis cools the room, the air conditioner automatically shuts off again. Eco mode is meant to be used when no one is in the building.

Comfort Mode

In Comfort mode, the air conditioner maintains the optimum temperature while producing minimal noise. If the comfort temperature is surpassed, it will begin to cool automatically. Once the target temperature has been obtained, it continues to run at a low level, thereby maintaining the temperature. Comfort mode is intended for times when someone is present in the building.

Silent Mode:

The new “Silent Mode” option allows the air conditioning to run in the background without being noticed. This is great for sleep mode or giving a presentation in a meeting room, for example.

Silent Mode | Grapes Smart Tech

Default Values:

The fan speed, airflow, and goal temperature can all have beginning values set in the most recent version of Loxone Config. For example, this function sets standards in a hotel room. The most recent settings at which the air conditioner was turned off in the past may also be used if preferred.

02 | Grapes Smart Tech

New Function Block:

AC Central Controller

An air conditioner’s outside unit can either cool or heat, but not both at once. For this reason, the same method of operation must be used for all interior units. The AC Central Controller logs the cooling or heating requirements of the linked Intelligent Room Controllers to guarantee the trouble-free and effective functioning of the air conditioning system.

AC Climate Controller | Grapes Smart Tech

Store energy in a room:

Excess cooling & excess heating

A space can be “overcooled” or “overheated” to efficiently use inexpensive cooling or heating energy. This feature works best, for instance, when combined with the Spot Price Optimizer or the energy management to maximize a photovoltaic system’s self-consumption.

Excess Cooling savings | Grapes Smart Tech

New: Intelligent weather forecast

The weather is the primary determining factor for effective heating and cooling systems. The Loxone Weather Service has supplied dependable meteorological information for building automation for years. In the future, this data will be used even more intelligently by the Heating and Cooling Control and the AC Heating and Cooling Control. From now on, choices will be automatically determined by utilizing the forecast for 48 hours.

03 | Grapes Smart Tech

New Visualization:

The Climate Controller Becomes the Heating and Cooling Controller

We have changed the name of the Climate Controller to the Heating and Cooling Controller to clarify things. We have also updated the app’s visuals to help users better understand how the AC central controller and the Heating and Cooling Controller behave.

AC Central Controller | Grapes Smart Tech

Recently updated:

  • An illustration of the need for cooling or heating
  • Decision temperature visualization
04 | Grapes Smart Tech

New Parameter:

Use Single Comfort Temperature

For both heating and cooling, we advise determining your comfortable settings. However, there are situations where it makes sense to merely provide one comfortable temperature, such as in a hotel room. The end user finds it easier to operate as a result.

05 | Grapes Smart Tech
Billing for Wallboxes

Billing for Wallboxes:

OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) – Beta

Regarding invoicing for electric car charging stations, OCPP has made a name for itself. It links EV charging facilities and their invoicing systems.

Now that it is OCPP-capable (1.6 and 2.0.1), the Loxone Wallbox works with any standard RFID charging card, including Shell Recharge, Allego, and Smatrics, when used in conjunction with an NFC Code Touch. The NFC Code Touch data sheet lists the compatible RFID charging cards. This also holds true for additional wallboxes that are compatible with Loxone.

With Loxone, many features and choices are now achievable, including involvement in charging networks, invoicing for company car charging at home, and even ad hoc paying without needing a charging card.

OCPP Open Charge Point Protocol Beta | Grapes Smart Tech

NFC, RFID and more

NFC Code Touch:
Read charging cards smartly

NFC Code Touch: Read charging cards smartly

The NFC Code Touch is the optimal interface between the invoicing system and the wallbox. It reliably and securely scans a variety of common RFID cards. However, that is not all – with a single device, untold opportunities await! For instance, access to your charging facility can be managed with the NFC Code Touch.

  • An authorization solution that is straightforward, risk-free, and keyless
  • High-quality design 
  • Superb security
  • A seamless integration into the Loxone Wallbox
06 | Grapes Smart Tech

Improved System Schematic

Systems, floor plans, and much more can be seen in the Loxone App with the help of a system diagram. We are adding more helpful features to the Function Block in version 15.1, which includes:

  • Specific Textfield
  • Customizable prefix texts
  • Take direct action without opening the app.
  • Clear design thanks to fixed sizes, grids and snap functionality
Improved System Schematic
07 | Grapes Smart Tech

New Function Block:

Dew Point Calculator

Dew Point Calculator

We have created a new Function Block that makes it as simple as possible to compute the dew point, for instance, for the cooling system’s minimum flow temperature. Understanding the dew point aids in avoiding moisture damage and mold growth.

08 | Grapes Smart Tech

New: Binary Encoder & Value Validator

New Binary Encoder Value Validator | Grapes Smart Tech

New Function Block: Binary Encoder

Encodes digital states into analog values. This enables communication with third-party devices that can only communicate via binary values.

New Function Block Value Validator

New Function Block: Value Validator

Validates an analog value. This is practical, for example, when measuring the temperature in a pool’s pipes: the measured temperature is valid when the pump is running but not when the water is in the pipes.

09 | Grapes Smart Tech

Min/Max Feature
for Formula Function Block

The new Min/Max functionality is required, for example, to facilitate the inclusion of fixed price increases during peak hours in the computation.
